Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tierra Harris

In the book They Poured Fires On Us From The Sky, the narrator describe all the characters in specific ways and what they all were like in their growth of age. This character that stood out to me the most and had ethusiastic vsions was Alephon. Alephon personality was humerous yet brave with a little bit of temporary madness. he knew everything about his village as a little boy, and knew how to protect when harm came around. He was a hard worker but got real lazy at times, and had good hunting skills to hunt food for his family. He was strong and a fast runner but not yet faster than his older brother Alephon was very picky when it comes down to getting what he wants. His mom always asked, "if i were not here who are you goin to complain to" His family was doin jus the same as what he was doing but better. Alephon mom was the 3th wife and did all the cooking around the house she was taller than her husband but bolder than others. she was well respected by others. Alephons dad was an important member of society so he was away most of the time at court, which he had to walk to. Though it took 5days for 1 trip to be exact.

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