Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alex Gillespie

I have a passion for many things in life. One of my passions is for music. Not that I am the one who sings or makes the music. But just to listen the the beats that you can make or the vocals of a gospel singer. It interests me in a way that you couldn't imagine. I just love how the vocalist use their voice and hit runs. Runs are things singers do in a middle of a note to make that note go up and down. And if you hear what I hear when I hear that run it just brings something that i can't explain to my heart. Not only singing though it is rap to how you can just spit a rap and have so many metaphors you use and other forms of literature to express how you feel or what goes on around you.

The passion I have for music is so great that I would like to have something to do with music in my life after I follow my dream of being a web designer. But to really just understand what rappers are coming from is great. To analyze their lyrics and to depict what they are trying to say is what I listen to music for. And back to the singing just to hear a pure voice singing out to you and understanding what they are trying to portray is wonderful. To hear how they feel when they are singing.


There is always a time when someone judges me about my appearance. Every time there are people who judge me about my weight. People think just because I am fat that I eat to much, I am lazy, and I don't work out, etc... But that is not true the only reason why I am fat is because of Genetics. Yes, I am only fat because my father is fat and a lot of people do not know that and they are just quick to judge. Because I really only eat like twice a day and sometimes only once. I also play a lot of sports such as foot ball, basket ball, soft ball, etc... And I feel that people really shouldn't assume that I am some fat lazy boy who eats a lot. Even though sometimes I can but that's on occasions when I might be really hungry or I haven't ate all day. But clearly that does not keep me down because people don't call me funny for a reason I am also guilty of talking about people. But I don't feel as I am judging them I'm just making fun of them, but that was just at my younger age. Now I only talk about people who say something about me first or with friends when were just playing. And I am still as equally funny as before.

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