Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blog 6

During high school there was this one kid that I would always fight with. It never led to any fist fights but more like altercations. If we were in the same hallway he would end up saying something first then I would go on an say something untill we both left. He was only in high school for like the first two years and got kick out because he got into a fight with another student. Four years later my ex decided to throw a party for me and her two brothers because all of our birthdays were around the same time. The party turn out great we had food, a dj, and liqour.Later on I saw somebody walk in that look familar and I ask my ex who was that. She told me it was her nephew but told me his name.

At that time I was drunk so it took me awhile to figure out who he was but I figure out who he was anyway. Later that night a fight broke out outside of the club where we had the party at. It involved a van full of people and my ex brother, her nephew and two other guys that were with the nephew they were chasing after the van. Without any thinking I join the fight too. After the fight the van left and everybody went home. Two weeks later I meet up with the nephew and he ask me what high school I went to. After I told him the school he finally recognize me and we kept on talking about the night of the party and both agreed on that it was the best part of the night. Ever since then I have seen him plenty of times and still keep in touch with him on the phone.

I never did have to spend money to make my art legitmate. There was this time that I was living with a guy and his family. The guy has been djing for over twenty years mixing all types of music but he was mostly mixing old school house music but he always had to take somebody with him to load/unload the equipment and help his set up. Another thing he had me do was to pass out his business cards to people or if they wanted to request something I had to write it down and give it to him. I was able to go to acouple of gigs with him and experiment how the music seen is. Seeing the crowd dance to the music and at the end of the party they would thank us for making their night. At one party I did mess up on something. While people were eating their meals the dj was playing some romatic songs and he had to use the bathroom and left me in charge. What I didn't know was that the song was almost room and the song went from something nice to tupac song I got five on it. Some people were happy that the song came on but when I look around I notice that some of the older people had this "what kind of shitty music is this" expression on their face. I quickly got up an search what song I can play that will make these people enjoy their meal too. I had a great time watching him mix and see how the turn tables and mixer work. Other then that, that is the only experiment I had that some what involves with my career.

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