Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Keep Your Friends Close But Your Enimies Closer


It took me awhile to adjust to a new school my junior year of highshool. Brookfield East was a school filled with backstabbing, rumor running, drama making egostictic teenagers that had nothing better to do with their life besides make your life miserable. Girls would use vulgar language like "bitch", "hoe" or "skank" to describe one another. Boys would pick on or beat up other people just to make themselves feel better or look tuffer. I tried to distance myself from these type of people but for some reason they always found away to bother me. One day in the middle of my reading class a girl named Jessica sat next to me with pretty big blue eyes and a really nice smile on her face. She was polite and even asked if I needed help with any homework. She wrote me a note to meet her after school to hang out with her at the mall. I had no clue why she was being so nice but I guess it was a breath of fresh air from the behavior I've seen so far. The bell rung, dismissing us from school. I gathered my things and followed her to her car. When I got in the car she said "Oh, are you going to change clothes?", I looked at her with a dumb expression and said, "were only going to the mall, why do I need to change?" she answered back "well I guess that will do." I shook my head and didn't think anything of it but for some reason I felt like we weren't going to the mall. She looked at me and said, "I hope you know were not really going to the mall, I heard there was a sick party going on at Jacob's house". I looked at her with a confused look on my face. Then I politely told her to have a good day and walked home. The next morning everyone was talking about the party and how the cops busted fifiteen people drinking acohol. But there was also another rumor going around about me getting really drunk and having sex with five guys that night. When I heard the rumor I knew exactly who started it, Jessica. I sat in the same desk in english class, but this time Jessica didn't sit next to me. She sat with her other friends across the room. Till this day Jessica and I have never been close. Just hearing the name makes me sick.


Money makes things alot eaiser. It buys you things your really want in life, but the one thing it doesn't buy is what great talents you have instore to share to the world. My passion is art. I function my life around my art work and designs. I love having the feeling to just let go and express my self through my hands, a pencil and a piece if paper. But I do need money to get supplies in order to create what I have developed in my head. Your creative thoughts and feelings that pour out in your art makes it legitimate no matter if it gets on the cover of a magazine or not. Your unique way makes your art...ART.

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