Monday, August 8, 2011

I Did It! I Did It!....Oh Wait Nope I Didnt =(

Kelcher Edwards

"Dammit", I yelled out as my three point shot bounced off the rim and into the opposite teams hand. I ran as fast as I could down the court just to block number fifteen's shot, grab the rebound and pass it to my team mate for another two points on the board. Lady Patriots was the name of our team. Our team was the best out of many other teams in our district. We traveled around the United States dominating one team after another. Our team was unstoppable. Five seconds left on the clock and we were down by two points. I sprinted to the hoop ready to make a layup, but my shoelace decided to get stuck under my shoe, which led my body to make a big thump sound to the ground. The only thing I heard was the buzzer go off and my coach clapping his hands. I just layed there dissapointed in myself, prepairng myself to cry. Before a tear could even reach my cheek, one of my team mates picked me up, brushed off my shoulders, gave me a cup of water and slapped me on the butt. I looked confused. I expected everyone to be mad at me. I looked up at the score board, the final score was Prestige 52 and Lady Patriots 54. While I was laying there, I didnt notice one of my team mates pickup the ball and finish what I was trying to accomplish.


First day of bridge felt like the first day of highschool all over again. New city, different people, and a different way to do homework. I did my best in keeping a positive attitude and getting to know different people, in the long run all of that hard work paid off. I love my roomate and the different people I hang around with. It was very scary to be in an area I don't know at all but having the people that I talk to every day around me was less nerve recking. I love the bridge program now and I can't wait till school starts.

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