Monday, August 15, 2011

Alex Gillespie

Anyone can make a video to appeal to anybody but it is about how you make the video so that is right on point to give the audience what they need. It has to be a video that meets all five senses and makes you want what you don't have. So I would make a video advertising a product that I know every body would not want but make them think they need. My product would be a bottle of smart water. Now everyone would be like why would I want smart water I can just drink regular water. So now I come in with an advertisement that smart water is what you need. I would make it seem like it would be impossible to go to school with out drinking a bottle of smart water. I would also make them believe that drinking smart water is beneficial to your health and will help you live longer. And that would appeal to there senses witch would be their minds, stomach, and heart.


This is a no homo situation for me. The most haunting moment in my life was one day in school. This guy who was suppose to be a friend did some gay shit. He went into the pics in his phone and asked me to look at this girl. And naturally I said o.k. because I just wanted to check her out. But that was not the plan for my so called friend he decided it would be funny to show me a pic of is private. And that was so disgusting to me I almost threw up in class literally. I mean for a while that image popped into my head almost every time through the days and nights and I felt that was the most repulsive thing someone could do to another person. Just talking about this right now is disgusting. I couldn't even control myself when that had happen to me. I mean I made the biggest scene in the classroom about how disgusting that was and how rude and trifling he was for what he did.

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