Wednesday, August 3, 2011


People have differences in life, some differences may lead to conflict between people. In my case me and my mohter had a huge difference in the way we viewed things. The differences we had caused severals conflicts that forced me to move. My mom is a religious person but me on the other hand Im all about the Love, Music, Sex, and Romance. My mother always wanted me to sing in the choir or write gospel songs for the church choir, but, you know I wasn't feeling that because, I knew the kind of songs I were good and comfortable writing. Somes songs describing my sexual love for several woman, the stories of my sexual in counters, concietful songs about myself and some that are just to hot for t.v. I loved my work but my mother on the other hand hated it. Everything I did she didn't agree with from the music I listen to the way I dress. She always try to find ways to stop me from listening to my music by taking my radio or cds and trying to force gospel music on me. Now Im not saying I don't love or believe in God Im just saying who really wants to listen to gospel music twenty-four seven. I am a diverse person when it comes to things I do and my mother just wouldn't understand or at least try to understand where I was coming from. Her statement she made to me one time before a performance I had affected me to the fullest. I called her to tell her I had shows coming up and all she told me was "You can't serve two masters". I felt ashamed because, she didn't try to wish me any good luck or motivational comments. Those are the things that can put some one down especially if your mother isn't supporting what you do. I tried my hardest to make my mother understand but I had enough of the negative comments and negative energy she was always giving me so I had to leave. I live with my father now on the Southside of Chicago and I am now trying to pursue me dream of being one of the greatest entertainers to live.

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