Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brandice Gilson

Whenever I see, hear or feel any type of art, I always look for a deeper meaning in it. I usually sit back and think of why the person is saying or doing these things. Why the painting or sculpture looks they way it does.
Fashion to me has a really deep meaning. Most of my designs come from how I feel and why I feel that way. My emotions motivate my desgins. If I am in a more happy mood my designs will be more happy and flirty. But if my day just isn't going the way I wanted it to then my desgins are more mischeivious and dark.

I feel that the way a person dresses is art. It is a way they express themselves.

My fashion sense is usualy based off of things such as my feelings, thoughts, music or art that I look at that day. As a few examples, I was looking at a few Monet paintings. The images were so calming that it made me sketch and wear things that could reflect back on to the paintings. What Monet makes me feel is calm and peaceful. So my outfits will be calm and peaceful. Light but yet vibrant colors, loose comfy fabrics with a possiblity of being drapped in some places. Possibly a sun dress, with lace. Monet's work make me think out doorsy type things, like adding flowers but always adding them in there very suddlely becasuse in his work nothing pops out except the colors. In his art work I believe the things are meant to blend together to be on, but yet still defined.

Another artist that influences me is not a painter or sculpter, but a musician. Taylor Momsen has such a unique personality and style that it influences my designs and fasion a little bit. She isn't afraid to go outside of the box. She is unique. She is young still, more close to my age (17 years old) but she doesn't let that stop her from dressing the way she feels. Her own fashion style is art. Just because it is clothing doesn't mean it is not art. She is a huge part of my designs. Every time I see her in a Magazine or on t.v. or just listening to one of her songs, it inspires me. I find a deeper meaning in the way she dresses. It is a way of expression.


I would not want to live life like a zombie. I am the kind of person that wants to be their own person. I want to always be doing something different than everyone else. I don't like being another face in the crowed. I want to be unique, and be someone that will be remembered. That can rise to anything. Being able to be creative whenever.

I feel that zombies symbolize in a way of how everyone goes with what they are told. The people who choose to follow the trends of fashion. Who don't want to be unique. That is just a way of relating them back to my major.

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