Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love It or Leave It

Kelcher Edwards

After reading a story about Micheal Jackson's death I was inspired to draw a tribute to him. He put me in the mood to show what I really had in store for arts & design. Drawing to me to a white room with no doors and no windows. I sit in the middle of the all white room and drawing anywhere and everywhere. I draw whatever I'm feeling at the moment. I draw whatever comes to mind. My friends ask me to draw pictures for them all the time, but I just can't get up and draw I have to be in the mood to draw at the moment. My parent support me to the fullest. they help me with getting the necessary supplies I need to create what I'm feeling. They also frame my art work so they know that they will always have the original pieces of my art work when I become famous. Some of my art teachers never really appreciated my art except for one teacher who help me become a stronger drawer. Till this day I still draw and I'm thinking about drawing as a side job.


My freshman and sophomore year of high school I attended a private school where you had to wear uniforms, so nobody was made fun of for the way they dressed because everyone looked the same. But there was one thing kids judged other kids by, shoes. If you didn't have the latest Nike's or Adidas then you were out of the lingo. No one would talk to you because everyone thought you were dirty and trashy. It was stupid and childish. I'm so happy I'm attending Columbia because I would rather dress the way I want then look like everyone else.

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