Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tajma Hall

“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”-Hebbel (German Poet)

When it comes to passion, the quote above completely explains my view. If you are not passionate about the things you do, then why do them? Passion is a inner power that can bring anything to life. I have a passion for public speaking and journalism. The first time I ever had to give a speech was in front of about 500 people. I was scared out of my mind before I went out on stage. It was a speech I had written and memorized. I was just very nervous. When I got to the podium and began, all my nerves went away, it felt natural and I knew I wanted to have a career where I would be able to speak to all people everywhere. That is when I decided I wanted to be a broadcast journalist and my passion for journalism soon came after. I'm good at it and that is because I   am passionate about doing it. My family and friends support me with this dream. Whenever I meet someone and tell them I want to be a journalist and motivational speaker, they say "Yeah, I can totally see you doing that". I am determined to follow my passion and inspire others while doing so.

My all time favorite news package. I did this all by myself. I came up with the idea, scheduled interviews, conducted interviews, I was the camera operator, and the editor.

Very small clip of me giving a speech. This was a speech I wrote on persistence for a speech competition at a pageant. I placed 1st runner up with this speech at state and 3rd at nationals in California.


Judges have a lot of authority and it is their job to make important decisions and form a opinion based on facts. As people we often, naturally feel we are judges and in the same position as someone like Judge Judy. Although it should not be this way, looks matter in the real world. People judge you on your appearance. Depending on your chosen profession, it may not matter but sometimes you have to consider your appearance and if it matches up with the image you want to uphold. It is not a good feeling to be judged on your appearance in everyday life. I dress up a lot. I often have my hair and nails done with a nice outfit. Sometime people assume I am stuck up and rich. Neither are true, I just like to look nice. When I look nice, I feel better. On the other hand, competing in pageants, I am used to getting judged on my appearance so it doesn't really bother me. I have judged others on their appearance. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong but I think everyone does that. When you first look at a person it is a natural reaction to form an opinion based on what you see. It happens all the time. As long as I know the truth about myself, I trust that others will get to know me before confirming their assumptions.

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