Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tajma Hall

To me a good friend is someone who never judges you, supports you, and is always there for you in times of need.       A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. These kinds of people are hard to find sometimes or you may not even know that they are right near you. My best friend and I were not always as tight as we are now. We hated each other in middle school. She always thought I acted like I was better than her, and I always thought she was just insecure. We always were into it and she would make smart comments to me. I left her alone but she use to pick on me for attention. One day I went to the bathroom during class and she was in there crying. At first, a part of me smiled inside to see her sad because I hated her so much but the Christian in me was concerned and asked her what was the matter. She was crying because her mom was sick and she was worried about her. This hit home for me because my mom has had cancer on and off my whole like so I could relate. I comforted her and shared with her my situation. We found someting huge that we had in common with one another. No one else understood what we were going through. We eventually became best friends and still are till this day. If someone had asked me would that have happended when I first met her, I would have said...."hell no!". But now I know her for the side of her that no one else knows and I love her.


Money shouldn't be the deciding factor on how good someone's art is but often times it is a huge factor. My art is television journalism and aside from the actually writing of the story and coming up with good story ideas, you have to have a camera and a mac with final cut pro in order to edit and produce the story so that it is of quality. In high school, I took a broadcast journalism course. I was responsible for creating a news package on my own every other week. It was my favorite class because I love doing it and I want to do it for a living but sometimes it can be stressful getting everything perfect on time. I came up with an awesome story idea about movies and what makes for a good film. Instead of doing like most of the others in my class and grabbing a film studies teacher from down the hall to interview, I decided I wanted to try and contact a real, profesional film critic. It took me a while but I was able to contact Marc Caro from the Chicago Tribune. The day of our interview, I was unable to get a camera from school. I couldn't do the interview without a camera. I had to take money I had saved up to go buy the most expensive video camera I could afford for my interview. Money was important in this case because, I had to do an on camera interview. In some way money is needed for everyone's art. At least now I have my own camera. A video of my story is below.

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