Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tajma Hall

 "The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. -Maya Angelou (American Poet)

My safe place, the stage.
      I feel that it is important for everyone to have a safe place. A place where they can leave everything negative behind and be themselves. I think many people call this place their home, as Maya Angelou states in the quote above. 

     My safe haven is the stage. My favorite thing about competing in pageants is being on stage.  It is the time when all my hard work pays off and this is a rewarding feeling. When I am on stage, I leave all negative thoughts and feelings behind and I just let my confidence shine. It pumps me up and I always feel great after. I never get nervous or scared. It gives me a power boost and I think its really important for everyone to have something they feel that passionate about.

     It is very easy to get distracted. I believe the things that are distractions don't really matter but how I deal with them is important. When I feel myself getting distracted I write down goals. A list of things I want to accomplish within that week or month and I start working on making it happen one at a time. When I have a set plan, and a focus, with a motivation, I always stay on track.

     In the book Take the Cannoli, Vowell feels strongly about where she is from. It makes her angry when someone talks negatively about America.  I would not say I feel strongly about America or specifically Chicago, but I do appreciate my country for all the wonderful opportunities it offers. On the other hand, I love Chicago. It is a great city, especially downtown. I have had the privilege of growing up living in downtown Chicago since the fourth grade.

My favorite picture of the Chicago skyline at night.
    I love most that it never gets boring. There is always something going on and it has great atmosphere. This is a part of the reason why I chose Columbia College for school. I love that it is right in the middle of the city where I feel most at home. My favorite thing about Chicago is the city skyline at night.

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