Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jerel Gilard

There was a time when my grand-mother and Igot into a discussion about sexual preferences. She is old school and believes homosexual couples are currupting the minds of growing children, and they shouldn't have equal rights as the "Traditional couple." I beleive any and everyone should have equal rights no matter their sexual prefrence, race or gender. We quickly voiced our opinions without hesistation and she could tell I was becoming very upset with her ignorance. After awhile I remind myself that you can't argue with ignorance, and either drop the conversation or make her think she's right again and everyone else is wrong. I've grown to learn that many people in the word don't like change and will do anything to prevent it. My grand-mother tells me not to be around any gay people. An arguement always sparks once we are out somewhere and she see's a gay person and has to say an ignorant statement about them. Although I defend gay people, I am not gay! I am quick to defend anyone who is being treated in a manner they don't deserve. Discrimination is and will forever be one of the worlds greatest problems in society. Older generations have a particular mindset on how society should be while the newer generations are more open minded and willing to be themselves no matter what anyone has to say.

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