Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shanell: Infections that come with being Social and Passionate

There are many people in the world and we all share at least one similar trait, experience or passion. Passion is something we all have, if someone doesn't have a passion for something then what do they have? Dreaming of doing something isn't the same as doing that something. I always had a passion for music and now I'm writing it. I've always had a passion for sports and now I play soccer and basketball. I have a passion for art and now I'm going through the bridge to advance to Columbia College Chicago. My major passions are not in order but are pretty much my life.

I have a passion for music and art. These are the most important because they will get me really far without the risk of being seriously injured. I mean, you can get hurt while drawing and performing but never as serious as breaking ankles and fingers. Music and Art are things that put me in my chill/ comfort zone. The difference with music is it can be voiced. Poetry, singing, screaming, humming, instruments, and even breathing are the many ways of "music."

I find it real unfortunate that I am judged for my music. I have a passion for the music I write and sing. The only issue is that some of it is screamed. Everyone in my house has a big thing about it being "demonic" I don't understand how you can listen to music that seems to be life threatening in some cases, but I can't listen to a person scream at me. I mean come on; I'm being screamed at way more than the song because I listen to it. All the bickering and I'm still the same person and in most cases better. I found myself listening to classic, alternative, metal and punk rock. Not all the songs are about: "sex, drugs and rock& roll". What people seize to look into is the simplicity of how it was created. They aren't using auto tunes and beat apps off the computer or drugs to get them hype and in the "zone".

Speaking of "zones" my artwork is another thing that puts me in my comfort zone. I can also open up through my drawings, designs, paintings, etc.... I'm not always judged on my artwork but heavily criticized. I love others opinions so I tell them to be hard on the critiques. When I'm drawing, I love for my music to be just going on the highest volume possible. I like to hear nothing but my pencil on the paper; mouse clicks and feeling my eyes really grasp that area I'm working on. My music and Artwork give me excitement and thrill. Soccer and basketball are two things that give me a rush when I want to be active. I love soccer so much more than basketball but I still have skill in both, just more developed skill in soccer.


Judging people is something I do often. I don't like being judged or stereotyped so I don't do it to others. When I look at someone the first thought that comes to mind is always sexuality. Especially if the person is very attractive, male of female. Depending on who I'm with at the time, my thoughts change because my energy is different. If I'm with an adult figure, I am always lurking for gorgeous people. If I'm with friends it's a different scenario, seeing as though all my friends look up to me for being faithful, I don't show that I'm looking because they will do the same. I know tons of people have passed little evil judgments on me. In high school I was known or classified as the "emo", I didn't think I was emo and neither did my friends. I didn't care because people were mostly affraid of the "emos" in the school. So many stereotypes on the "emo" just because they think we all cut or think of suicide all day, they also thought that our "darkness" would rub off on them. I didn't care because I was more anti- social than anything. I hated talking to people. People are no good to me, if I needed some help, I couldn't count on friends. They would just leave me hanging cause they're all some snakes.

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