Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 8

In the beggining of my high school career the word "popular" and "cool" were being tossed around a lot but only seem to be used to describe athletes, cheerleaders and dancers of the school. To me being popular meant everything, I just knew if I was I'd be the person everyone wanted to be around and the man every girl wanted to be with. I tried my hardst to fit in with what al the "popular" kids were doing and the way they carried themselves. Not until a new girl name Errica Jones start attending my school that every guy had his eyes on, but I was the first to befriend her. She immediately noticed what I was trying to do and explained to me that the reason she started associating with me was because she liked my genuine personality. After thinking for hours about what she said I realized that the true definition of "cool" is to be unique. Many people try so hard to fit in and end up losing sight of who they are that they become replicas of who they look up to.
I started to go back to my old habbits, doing the things I used to love, and even decided to change my style to fit my new additude. Quickly I began to see the change in atmosphere as my peers started noticing me more, trying to be around me and compliments on how I dress became an everyday routine. At last I was introduced to being "cool" and labeled as "popular" but after awhile the hype of being "popluar" faded. Once I seen there were many people living lives that contridicts their beliefs just to be noticed and have friends, I lost interest in the words "popuilar" and "cool".
If you ask me I was one of the few kids at my school who actually deserved the label. Everyone else were mere copies of my appearance and shadows of my presence. No, I didn't feel I was better than anyone else but I did feel like I was one of the few who were true my themselves.


Growing up I wanted to be everything I could think of that looked cool, like an astronaut so I could roam around space and explore other planets. A police officer like my mother used to be so I could be out in the middle of the night chasing down criminals. A zoo keeper so I could take care of the animals because I loved all kinds of animals and wanted to interact with as many as possible. Even a designer so I could design my own cartoons for the whole world to watch, hoping at the time it would be as big as Pokemon.
I quickly lost interest in all of those career paths, not because I didn't like them anymore but because I was maturing. I didn't feel like that was what I really wanted to do for the rest of my life. The hard part was finding out what I was good at and what did I want to do for the rest of my life. For about a year I was lost in this mysterious world with no idea of what I was good at doing. Then I realized how much I loved music and how my life is affected and surrounded by it. My brother had a talent for making beats for songs and writing lyrics, which after watching his I picked up quickly.

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