Wednesday, August 10, 2011


If a have a passion it would be soccer I think it is the best sport ever. well if there is judgement in soccer there alot . when I started playing this sport i saw it as a way to have fun or as a way to enjoy my time with my friends. But when i started I wasnt very good like others and I did feel down because i wanted to play at their level. I wanted to play in their level because sometimes other kids would make fun off me because I couldent do a move to impress . Or also i didnt run fast i was really slow i was joust probably the worst soccer player in the world . another issue that i was judge was for maybe being chunky or in other words fat . Coaches , players and friends thought that I couldent play soccer because i was fat . but in my mind I thought to myself does that really matter does being fat or skinny determined the way you can play soccer. but when i watched others players who were skinny i was surprised because the moved fast and had more skill . and when i saw a person who was fat they sometimes lacked those movements or speed. So in a way i got inspired by the coaches, players and people who judge me for my apperance and not my skills . I pushed my self and i was dtermined to play at a high level and even be faster than other soccer players. it didnt separate me from my family and friends because when they saw me play they knew all the hard work I did to become a better player and i all so got praised by alot of people on how good i became in soccer.

I think that i been judge in my appearance by people maybe in highschool , elementary these places are more frequent for people to be judge. what i mean by these is that you have other students that want you to be like them or complain about they way you dress. I been judge about they way I dressed back in my elementary years . It wasnt fun especially when you a kid and you dont know whats wrong or right. I think that maybe i have judge in the past joust because of a persons appearance . I think sometimes in our lives we often judge people because of their appearance . Maybe sometimes it is like human nature to react to something that you might havent seen or seems curious to you . Yes i have judge because of a person appearance I know that it is probably a bad way to judge a pesrson . But we all learn from this things and we move on and learned from it right?

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