Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them", and " Money For My Music"

In third grade, I was a good kid but also a class clown, so I got along with every one in my class. Until one day my teacher decided to move me next to one of the meanest girls I ever met, Sylvia. When I first met Sylvia she was a mean lil something, she didn't laugh at my jokes or talk to me. She always told on me telling the teacher lies but, the teacher would believe her over me because, I was a class clown even though I did my work. That use to make me so mad, so one day I decided to make Sylvia mad by annoying her and doing things that pissed her off to the extreme, like everytime we would read as partners I would use differents accents like sounding like a african or hill billy. That was my daily rountine I would do everything in my power to make her mad every single day of school. But, one day my teacher put the class in groups of four to do a project and who did I end up with in my group Sylvia. We both were mad as hell but, we had to get the work done. While doing the project we were getting a long fine but our partners who were a boy and girl were arguing through the whole time just lik we did. Then we laughed because, we were looking at them like, they're doing what we suppose to be doing but we are over here acting like husband and wife. From that day on we became good friends which led to her being my girlfriend. Even though I haven't seen Sylvia in like ten years I would love to meet her again and see how we would get a long now.


I play the Conga drums for my grandmother's church on the South Side of Chicago. The Conga Drums may seem easy to do but its a lot of pain in the process. Sunday after Sunday I hurt my hands for the entertainment of the people at the church. You may think its crazy but there is a reason I do it, for the money they pay me. I love the art of playing the Congas Drum

but playing those drums take hard work, practice, and injuries. Money is not the main reason I do what I do but, I don't think I should be giving my all to people who are not going to pay me unless its an audition or something of that nature. The church giving me money to play the Congas is like a honor to me because, I like the fact that they love the way I play so they pay me for my services every Sunday I come to play. Music is a business, your art makes the money.

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