Monday, August 8, 2011

Don't Ever Give Up

I remember when I was ready to throw my dream of being a Musical Entertainer out the window several times. The first experience of failure for me was in writing my songs and singing them to friends. Every time I would share a song I wrote with someone they would say it was good but, it would of been better off being written back in the days. Meaning the songs I write sound like songs that should be hits of the 70's and 80's. I felt so ashamed because, no one my age was digging my music but, myself. I had over 300 songs that I wrote and I threw about the majority of them away leaving me with only like 50 songs all together. I wanted to give up on my dream because I felt people wasn't going to like me. I didn't write any songs for about two months, I was finished, I took my mind off of music and just began daydreaming about life. Then it got worst people with negative comments saying things like Im stuck in the past with my music and I will never get any where in the present day. The only people who believed I was going to make it some where were older people who understood my music. After long thought I finally came up with a solution. That solution was to aim my music towards older people who thought I was talented. But, I still had to find away for the younger audiences to dig my music, so I began to write up to date R&B songs not for myself but for a singer who would sound great singing my R&B songs. From that day I've been versatile with the songs I write, writing songs any body could relate with and instead of giving up and throwing my songs away. I go back and fix them so they can sound better to me and others.

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