Monday, August 15, 2011

Shanell: Caught Napping

The eye, the ear, the heart, the stomach and touch are ways to connect to your audience. To catch their attention and to hold it, you must have some appealing topic. There are many ways to holding a persons attention, for those who have a shorter attention span it may be a bit more difficult. You must connect through the eye with a vision, a vision so clear that they can feel it, a sense so soft that they can smell and hear it. It all then connects to their hearts, then you have their minds pumping. Maybe with a video you could convey the message "two parts heart, one obsession". Leading to the meaning of H2O, just something a friend and I made up. I want to expand on this adding eternal love and life. Using a bright mix of colors and logos all forming up to the complete meaning of "two parts heart, one obsession for eternal life". The video would have all of these items shifting and falling into place to hold one complete logo that is self defined.


A painful memory I have is from my childhood. Many of them actually consist of crazy stuff and then there is one major one which recently happened. I remember it like it were yesterday evening. Waking up with the urge to play all my video games on my PlayStation 1. Then I clean off the disks, every one of them, and place the disk in and got a no read message. I would ball into tears and throw my controllers. I'd go on a rampage until it worked. Some just never worked again, this memory haunts me each time I buy a new video game today. I remember now, to place every single disk into a case if not the right one.

A major downfall in my life happened in May. About a week before my high school graduation, I got a phone call from my father saying my grandfather had passed away. Seeing as though I was just with my grandfather two days before the incident, I thought it was a "what would you do if ..... happened". I told my father it was impossible, he was perfectly fine two days ago. He then told me, he had a heart attack at work and drove himself to the hospital before it could happen but passed away right when he walked through the door. I was speechless. Not a word could come out of my mouth, he asked me if I was okay, knowing I wasn't I said, "yes". Maybe I shouldn't have, my grandfather was my third closest family member. We did everything together and always had a great time and never argued.
I only wished for him to physically see me walk across the stage. He didn't get to physically but he always will be watching over me from above. Now I value life so greatly, I stopped hanging with my old friends that don't value life because I know I have people that care about me at home. I hope to become something and I will strive until I get there.

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