Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shanell: & We call it a Haven

In "Take the Cannoli" the characters have these places where they can get away. I too have a safe place, a haven, my own "Getaway". This place is my xbox 360, my significant other, my computer and my own studio. My computer and I have this little program called: "Photoshop". Photoshop is where I create most of my designs, where I can spend hours and hours creating this amazing picture.

My xbox has grown apart of me, it's the best part of my day sometimes. I can play my xbox 360 for days! I mean, of course I would take potty breaks, and get a drink but I'd completely ignore that fact that food exists. I once played my xbox the whole spring break, it was spring break during my junior year in high school. I would never answer my phone, in fact, I believe I sat around and played Halo 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and my favorite of them all, NBA 2K10. These video games should've been burned out, My xbox actually had came up with the "Three Rings of Death" which was something like the "Trojan Virus" for a computer. The great thing was that this happened after spring break. I was so distracted by my xbox being broken that I could not focus on any school work or tests. I sent my xbox to Microsoft and they fixed it even though it had been "modded" which is somewhat very illegal. My xbox and I have a bigger story than my life itself. My xbox was put before everything and anything, I even went "Above& Beyond" and named my xbox. Its name is "Titan". I named it this because it had been through so much with the whole "Three Rings of Death" situation and being modded and just keeping me happy. I am completely obsessed with video games, Titan earned its name because I felt it stayed strong. Yes, my xbox is a person now and it means a whole lot to me.

My studio is another safe place. Though my little studio is a huge home, my home, especially when I'm alone I can just sing out loud. Singing isn't something that I just devolped at a random. My family is very involved with music, my grandpa and uncle are both musicians. My grandpa was just an amazing artist with instruments and his voice. My uncle, an amaing vocalist and pianist both inspired me that I had it in me too. It was just last year when I heard my grandpa say: "The Buckners don't have strong vocals as far as breathing goes" At that moment, I looked up to him and my uncle for proving that saying wrong. I worked at it until I could control my voice. In fact, its all in the diaphragm. From that point on, I looked into how vocalist in my favorite genres of music "scream". Such a sound was so demonic to my ears, but that's when I just go and look up the lyrics. Not all of it is the same. I then started to practice the whole "screaming" ordeal.

My significant other makes me feel that I am not alone in all of just, everything. This person in my life is someone I get really defensive over. This person does happen to be of the same sex as me. I get really offended when I hear about the struggles of same sex couples and acceptance. This isn't just something we chose to become or be attracted to at all. It isn't even about being different. The way I see it, is if you haven't experienced the lifestlye then you cannot have any say on it being "Right or Wrong". God loved and loves everyone the same, so why can't we? This person is like my homeland, I can be myself around her at all times. Never feeling like I don't belong there with her, or like I'm an animal cause I like the type of music I listen to, she listens to rap by the way. We are complete opposites, but "Opposites Attract" right?

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