Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 11

A historical that I really like has to be the Gateway Arch in my hometown, St. Louis, Missouri. When I was about 12 years old, my uncle used to take me inside the arch and to the top where you could see a great view of the city. My first time was terrifying because I didn't know that it was possible for the arch to sway once the wind started to blow. Once the wind started to blow and the arch began to sway I instantly became sick to my stomach and was ready to get out of there.
Visiting Chicago, one of my favorite characteristics about this city has been the skyline and how complex some of the buildings are.


My life has definitely been affected by the Bridge Program and without a doubt it shows. I have fully become aware of how serious the work is in college and glad I get the opportunity to basically prepare for college level work. Although I feel I am doing a good job with my work I have become more of a paranoid person when it comes to work due to the fact that my friends and classmates are being sent home left and right. Still being in the program is showing me that I am improving and becoming a better writer and student. I might not be smarter than the other incoming fall freshmen that didn't come to the Bridge Program but I will be more prepared of what to expect.
Do I think I am ready for a new life at Columbia? Yes, I think I am ready to take on the challenges that Columbia will bring. I am fully aware that no matter how much I prepare once I start my fall semester the work will still be extremely challenging. I remember my Bridge writing professor Joe saying, "A good write can always be better." That made me feel more confident with my narratives because now I realize that I need improvement and I won't be the only person in my class to have a bad paper.
I am very thankful for the Bridge Program even though math isn't really my thing I still enjoy coming because of the environment and my writing class. To my surprise I'm actually starting to like writing and blogging everyday when I am the topic and I have control of the story. This class has made an impact because it's a new way to write other than just research papers and book reports. If I could recommend other incoming freshman to enroll in the Bridge Program ensuring they're prepared for Columbia, I would definitely stress how necessary it is.

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