Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brandice Gilson-

I have a huge passion for exploring new things. I love being the tourist in evey place I go. I like to get to know the ins and outs of places. I am big into knowing the history of a place. I like to go to museums and aquariums and planitariums. I find a lot of my inspiration from these places. My family on the other hand isn't like me. Instead of going hiking up one of Hawaii's most famous volcano's, they would rather lay on the beach or by the pool. My father shares some of the same interests as me. He likes to get out there and see things. Yes, at times he may not be interested in art or fashion but he loves to know the history.


Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover.

Every single day of my life I am judge on my apperance. I am only five feet tall and Petite. Some people look at me and think I am a small, weak, innocent little girl. I find this rather offensive. I am the complete opposite. I am rather tough. I am in Boxing and MMA. I'm a country girl which people would have never guessed because of the way I dress. I'm always in heels, but out at my old home in Green Bay, Wisconsin I am this crazy country girl always looking for the biggest mud hole to take my four wheeler through. But I care about how I look so I like to dress nice. Some days someone will catch me in my ripped jeans with paint, grass and mud stains on them. Just because I like to dress nice doesn't mean I'm superficial or rich. It just means I like to. I shouldn't have to explain myself. I don't judge anyone for how they look. Yes, a thought may shoot through my head to catagorize them with a certain group, but just because they look a certain way doesn't mean I'm going to dismiss them because they don't have the same style as me. I mean my style changes from day to day. I give eveyone the benifit of the doubt. I think this is because I have been living my life being judge every day, and I know how it can feel.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know that quote has a juge?...since when do we spell it that way...lmaoo
