Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There are times in my life that i had difference with a family members, starting with my sister. we always use to fight over the little things such as shoes, clothes, chores, and even the things that we share the most. She had the biggest attitude a person could ever have everyday. when people smile shes mad. As we got older i figured it was time to stop all the frustration and madness so i took the time to space myself because i hate having conflict with family. Family should be the ones you can always run to in the time of pain, hurt, and struggle. It shoudnt be all the arguing and bringing them down. This reminds me of a character in my book name benson he was always the nice and calm one and if he was in my position i think that he would do the same thing that i did, and not say too much about whats going on. benson would walk away or just sit there and not complain about a thing, because he was respectful to everybody.

In life some people complain about things and want things there way when they cant have it. if i were in the position where i had somebody complaining about the things that others didnt have, i would feel sad and not so very happy. Theres alot of people out here that don't have food on there table or even clothes on there back. To hear somebody else complain about everything they have is sad. I Would make them go somewhere were theres nothing. and let that person realize that you should be grateful and respectful about everything you get. Even if its just a half of cookie, you should be grateful.

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