Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 4

I have a few safe havens where I can escape from humanity and be productive with any activity I'm doing, or even when I'm just wanting to relax. Being locked in my room or going out to a park with my head phones on listening to my iPod and/or practicing on my guitar are one of my ways to escape. Sometimes I get so in to a song or practicing that I feel like I'm the only person alive and my only distraction is time. Although I'm in my zone and time flies when you're having fun, occasionally I tend to not pay any attention.


In Take The Cannali, Sarah Vowell in the beginning looks tells her homeland in Bozeman, Montana is sort of like a NRA based town where she is surrounded by guns. Vowell doesn't like guns not even the sound of a fired gun, so it's almost like she is in a town that she has no interest in. Sarah was eleven years old when her family moved to Bozeman, and was new to staying in a town. She previously lived in Braggs, Oklahoma, a dusty little Muskogee County. The relocating for her must have been drastic since she had never stayed in a college town.

1 comment:

  1. From this I can tell you really love music.
