Monday, August 15, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 9

Appealing Advertisement

To appeal to my audiences five senses through an advertisement, I would incorporate expression and emotion into my presentation. A simple facial expression can make a extreme effect when an emotion is added. For instance, if I were to make a commercial for Sprite, I would at some point show a person drinking a sprite then have a excited facial expression like the person grinning after they take a sip. Maybe even have the person sky dive while drinking it or have a scene where there is a Sprite can in the middle of a lions cage and the person risks their life to get it. Without words my audience will get the impression that the Sprite must taste good.
For the sound effects I could just have the sound of the can of Sprite opening, so that the audience can see its a fresh beverage and not a flat one that when you open it, it tastes like it's been open already. For the smell effect you could add it to the opening of the can and one they open it have the person look relieved with flowers spilling into the air out of the can, making the impression that the smell is delightful.


Painful News

A painful memory that frequently pops into my head, is the night I received a call that said my father had been shot and was taken to the emergency room. I was waken out of my sleep around three in the morning by my grand-father and he asked me to come into the living room because he had to tell me something. I didn't know what he was about to tell me but I was pissed that I was being waken up so early while in the mist of the best dream of my life. I rolled out of the bed and slowly walked down the stairs holding on to the rail trying my hardest not to fall. When I got to the living room my grand-father and grand-mother were sitting on the couch and all the lights were on. My grand-mother hugged my and held my hand as she walked me to the couch and placed me in between them both.
For about two minutes there was awkward pause and I was becoming more frustrated and anxious to hear what was so important that I had to disturbed. I asked what was wrong when I looked up and noticed my grand-mother started to cry and she just got up and left, then I heard the door to their bedroom slam. I looked at my grand-father and asked what was wrong. He began to tell me that I shouldn't worry or lose any sleep but my father was out with his friends, in the wrong place at the wrong time and was shot twice. My stomach immediately dropped and I start to breathe extremely hard, it seemed like my heart started beating at a fast pace, but my thoughts were moving faster. I jumped up and yelled at my grand-father to get up so we can go make sure he is alright. As a tear began to run down my cheek my legs began to get weaker to the point I just sat down and stared into space; lost in my thoughts, silently panicking.
My grand-father wrapped my in his arms telling me everything will be fine and that I needed to try and get some sleep. I just sat there quietly, nothing to say but but so much on my mind. I told my grand-father I was tired and ready to go to sleep but really I just wanted to be alone. The walk back up the stairs and down the hallway to my room seemed like it took and hour. With every step I had another question. Where did he get shot? Did he make it to the emergency room in time for the doctors to save him? Who shot him? and why?
Once I reached my bed I layed down and stared at the ceiling suddenly I felt like I had ten cups of coffee.

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