Monday, August 8, 2011

Tierra Harris

I was faced with failure millions of times through out my life. One problem that I faced and failed at it, was a pop quiz on a subject that I hated the most, math! It was one sunny Thursday morning where students seem to get lazy when the summer time came, and thought since the year was ending A's would be coming there way easy. My smart teacher named Mr. McCalaster caught on to what students usually do at the end of the school year. I was sick the day before class, so I really didn't pay too much attention. The next day Mr. McCalaster gave a pop up quiz! This was the day that i was mentally hurting inside. My brain was literaly busted because i didn't know anything. It was not because i was a bad student but it was because of sickness and inspite of my ill I still came to class and still failed the next day. Over the weekend I thought about how I failed that quiz and what I could do to retake it. on Monday morning I went straight to his class in B hallway 1st floor room 106. I step in with respect and said "Mr. McCalaster can i please take this quiz over"? Due to the fact that i was in class with a pounding headache and stomache feeling so hurt. As a response back he says "yes tierra you may retake this quiz because you were the only student who came back and recognized what they have failed in". I retook the quiz after having help with a tutor and got a C+ on my quiz that Tuesday afternoon. Even though I failed the first time I got right back up and redid it in great deed.

At columbia college there was a program that you have to go through to get in this incredible 4yr college. This program was called the bridge program. This was the key to sucess. The first day I became interactive with the bridge program was the first day that I felt really accompanied. Even though I didn't know anyone, I kinda blended in with the crowd. As I got to my first class which was math it felt comfortable than usual. Sometimes I would be nervouse and really did not want to say to much, but here it was different everybody was nice and friendly so I felt like I belonged just like everybody else did. In the experience on the first day I was not nervouse nor distracted on what I came to do. I felt like this is where I belong without a doubt.

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