Monday, August 15, 2011

Brandice Gilson

If I would make a video, it would most likely be a video about something to do with bullying or about soldiers at war. These I feel are two big topics that no one seems to want to talk about. Some people try to avoid them all together. These are huge issues in the world today. Both of these are tearing families apart. I feel that since they do cause conflict, that people don't want to address them because of that. In life people try to avoid conflict. Conflict is what I believe makes people think the most.


I feel that I constantly keep talking about how my former dance team coach told me I had no passion for dance, that I was never meant to be a dancer. She said all of these things to try and break me, to make me not try out the following year because her and I never saw eye to eye. We were always butting heads. But that moment when she said that I didn't show the pain that struck through me. But as soon as she walked away and my sister came to me, I busted into tears and my knees actually buckled under me. It was a moment that truly brought me to my knees. It clearly is a memory I will never forget. It will always be with me, I think because of my reaction to everything and how my body went weak and limp. It was and still is a feeling I will not ever get rid of.

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