Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 10

Personally I love all types of art but the one that stands out to me the most when it comes to having deeper meanings is music. A lot of music is loved for their rhythm and style, but most people over look the deeper meaning in the lyrics. Not one specific genre of music is deeper than the other because they all have those artist who question life, religion, politics, conspiracies etc. and try to tell stories to expose listeners to hidden truths or express opinions and beliefs. For instance, one of the most common topics when it comes to hip-hop culture, are artists and their affiliations with the Illuminati. Many rappers have touched base on this "Hidden Society" and how they feel about the conspiracy theories. Many times in lyrics artist subliminally write about this theory claiming to be in the "Hidden Society." Although not many followers of music are actually analyzing the lyrics and attemping to figure out the meanings of songs, but get lost in how great the beat is and who the artist is.
This is important to me because I attempt to break down lyrics in songs all the time searching for the true message rather than focusing on the meaningless things suc as the beat and most times the artist. I also feel if anyone plans on ever becoming apart of the music business they must know about these hidden truths and allow the educators who are the the artist to educate us followers.


In one of Romero's movies he uses a mall for the location of his movie and zombies to symbolize how the retail industry has taken control of some peoples mind and have become somewhat brainwashed by their appearance. In my opinion, I feel like I have been bitten by a zombie in the sense of losing self control when it comes to my appearance. Now I have been infected with this mindless obsession of how I look, I have fallen victim to the the "zombie in my life," fashion.

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