Thursday, August 11, 2011

Noway Jose'

Kelcher Edwards

The Fourth of July was a big event for our family. It was a time where my relatives and freinds could come together and just have fun and enjoy eachothers company. My grandparents would set up tables and chairs in a public park and set up food and games for everyone to enjoy. Usually everyone would bring something extra like cakes,cookies and beverages. This July I brought a new friend of mine to the family picnic. His name was Jose' Burgos. He was Latino with long black hair, a nice chissled body and an amazing personality. He was the type of guy you would see in romantic movies. Where he finds the beauty within a pretty girl and in the end of the movie they end up getting married. I had a little crush on him but there was a down fall in Jose's personality. He was too concieted. I intorduced Jose' to my parents and cousins and immediatley jaws dropped. My cousin Tiffany quickly made her way up in front to get a better look or flirt. She rubbed his arm and laughed at every little thing he said. I didn't really think anything of her and the others behavior because I was trying to have fun with my new friend. But as the day went on things started to annoy me. There was a non-stop giggling noise that Tiffany made everytime he made a joke. Everytime I heard her laugh I wanted to pull my hair out. I sat at the table bymyself while Jose' said something sexy in spanish to my cousins around him. He noticed I was bymyself but he never checked to see if I was ok. The picnic started to end and I was about to go and get Jose' so he could take me home, but he was nowhere to be found. i called his phone three to four times but every call I made ended up to be his voicemail. "Hey it's Jose', if your sexy ill make sure to call back, but if you look like shit, this may be the last time you hear my voice". beeeeep, "Hey Jose' please call me back I'm waiting by the car," I said with a shaky tone to my voice. For two hours I waited by the car, and I begun to hear a noise that made my spine curl, Tiffany's giggle. It was Jose' and Tiffany holding hands and smiling like everything was peachy clean. He unlocked the car and I got in with a loud bang from the car door closing behind me. He got in starting the car, Tiffany jumped in the back. I felt like the third wheel. I did'nt say one word for the rest of the night, when he dropped me off at home I got out the car without even saying goodbye. When I got in the house I washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to bed. Around two o clock I felt my phone vibrating in my bed. I grabbed it and noticed Jose's name pop up on the screen. I ignored the call. Three minutes later I got a text from Jose' saying that he was sorry for his behavior and that he wanted to make it up to me. I deleted the text and his phone number forgetting he ever exsisted.

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