Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 4 blog


My safe haven is my home. I made it my safe haven because it is a enviroment that I am comfortable with. I don't have to worry about what I am wearing or who do I have to impress. Being at home I am able to just chill on the couch or be on the computer looking for new songs to add to my ipod and see who is going to be the next popular artist or Dj. When I just want to be on my own or just relax I usaully put my headphones on. I either look for the song I want to hear or put my ipod on shuffle. While listening to my ipod I'm in my own world whatever was stressing me out or distracting me is long gone. Since I like my music loud and the bass pounding that also makes me less distracted and calms me down even more.

Question #2

The character in my book wishes he was somewhere else because he lives in a small town in conneticut. If he wants to learn kung fu he has to travel 45 minutes from where he lives to go to the school that teaches kung fu. I feel in a way that he wishes he was living some where else that will help him of becoming a zen monk. If he was able to live in China I think he will love it there becasue he will be able to get taught by one of the best kung fu teachers and he will get to live in the lifestyle that he wants to be in.

I'm proud of the city where I am from. There is alot of things you can do in the city of Chicago especially with all the events they have in the summer time. Chicago willl always be my home, I don't care what anybody says Chicago is one of the best cities in the world. I know we have problems like politics being corrupt or the gang problems but that doesnt really bother me. I dont't have to be in other parts of the world to experice their culture. We have everything here like chinatown in the south side, greek town, Humboldt Park if you want a taste of Puetro Rico, Pilsen/Little Village if you want to try out some good Mexican food and see the murals on the walls of buildings and the list goes on. I love being able to drive through the city and see how the neighborhoods change after every several blocks.

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