Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sebastian Hagan

It's a Blur

Friends are an interesting thing. They are people you know, who you spend time with. People we trust with our secrets and loan our money to. They back you up when you’re threatened and pick you up when you’re crushed. My best friend back home is a kid named Lukas Gelleri. His parents see me as another son. We did everything together from make movies, jump off bridges and go canoeing and camping. Junior year of high school we spent every day hanging out just getting through the monotonous weeks.

We jammed every day, I on guitar and Luke on the drums. It was sweet to have a friend that would always answer. I had another friend named Jeanne Hartman. A short and stout energetic girl, we used to go to Philly and do the most random things. We hung out almost every day as well. I can remember I wanted to go see my girlfriend one night back before I got my drivers license. She threw her keys at me and said “take it, and don’t get caught". These two people were my best friends. I never felt alone or forgotten with these two

One day I invited both of them to a party and introduced them. They seemed to think the other was cool. So we all started chilling every day. Luke, Jennie and I would have daily adventures to the park or whatever we could possibly do that was fun. We were all restless. Then One day my Luke came to me with a question. He asked me is he should ask out Jeanie. I thought it was a great idea; both my friends together should be sweet. So I gave him the go ahead, and put in a word with Jean. That was probably the worst mistake I ever made.

From then on it was all downhill. I would call them to chill and they would never answer. I would go whole weeks without hearing from them. The worst part was that they would go out and not even call me to say what was up. Then one day I actually got a hold of Jean and asked her to come out and grill hot dogs with me on my camping stove. She did, and while we were in the park, Luke called her. She casually answered like it was not a big deal, she told him what she was doing, and his response was "cant he do stupid shit with his own girl friend". This persisted through the summer and our senior year. Until 3 days before I came to Chicago. We all hung out in Philly at our friend’s house and jammed on our acoustic guitars, and had a beer or two. After all the shit, things felt like they never really changed much. Like while we were off doing our own things our friendship never lost anything. So when i think back to why we were mad at eachother, it's all a blur.


My films are pretty good, I’d like to think, but especially in film you need the MONEY. You can’t achieve your ideas in a movie if they are too big without money. Actors with talent, special effects and computers. It all has a price. Unfortunately if you’re not sporting a hefty wallet your movie is going to look like shit. It can still be cool, but compared to Hollywood, but you’re barking up a high tree. Ideas are the heart of the movie but to bring the idea to life your going to get some cash.

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