Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shanell: Discovery

Lets talk about historic locations. There are plenty of them out there, but how would you discover them? Would you walk a million miles to get there, fly a plane yourself, drive, bike, train and even swim! The place that fascinates me most is actually the city of Chicago. It would normally be about some mysterious place in a video game like avatar or star wars, but this time it's all about C-H-I-C-A-G-O. A wonderful place, beautiful as well, you'd meet amazing people here and discover who you are. That is, if you take advantage of what the city has to offer.

I've lived in Chicago for 18+ years now and don't like leaving this city at all. If it were up to me, I'd stay in the city all day and night, until I crave a video game again at least.I love almost everything about Chicago that I have seen so far. I can't name a single thing I dislike about the city. The city has two of the top art schools in it as well, Columbia College Chicago and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Schools that I strive to get into and it seems like I'm on the right path with Columbia College Chicago.

The cultural visit yesterday gave me a whole new insight on the city. There was a whole different meaning to building things back then. All the stuff build today can be destroyed by a machine. Back then, if it was built, it stood. I love the architecture within the city and the history behind it.


During my time in bridge, I have found that my writing has gotten more of a deeper thought. It's more organized, not like high school where the teachers wanted just the thoughts and not the details. My writing has made me better at my approach to my elders and other age groups as well. I think I'm ready for a different life, not so much a new life, just different here at Columbia College Chicago.

I've also been more detailed with my speaking and setting up weekends. I told my friends don't text or call me until Thursday at 5:00 P.m. because before and during the early weekdays I am busy in school and must stay focused. I will not allow anyone to stop me from being on task and in the right mind set anymore.

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