Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tierra Harris

Where are the real freinds when you need them? You know the friends you can come to and talk about anything. someone that will have your back through all flaws, or even jus that friend that you can lay your head on their shoulder and relax after a long day. Friendship was important to me because I didn't really have too many family members to talk to. On a Saturday to six flags great america, where it was hot outside, clear skys, and long lines for every ride. It was me and my best friend Natasha. she was short like me, long hair, dark skin and was so thin. She loved to sing and deal with children anytime of the day, even if she was busy with her own schedule. we both brought others to join us, she brought her friends and I also brought mines to so it would be alot of us jus kicking it. As we walked into the park everyone wanted to do their own thing and some wanted to stay in the group. Me being me I suggested that I would do whatever as long as i'm with Natasha. It seems a little funny, but I havn't seen her for over two weeks since she went to Atlanta with her dad. when I suggested Natasha gets upset like she didnt want to hang with me anymore and I felt in way she was mistreating me. I was there for her when she didn't have a dime. I was there when people put her down. After she got upset I went my separate way and got on two roller coasters and left the park. I felt hurt and very sad because when i asked myself again where are the real friends? I coudn't even answer the question.. she my friend cause she was just like me but now we splitted because of a something that shoulda never happened.

Money money money! this is everywhere when you need to take care of yourself or go out with friends and enjoy life as a teenager. Money comes in great hands when you need to pay that bill or car note and have a place to stay and eat. My art is dance, in many ways i had to use money to make my dance come true. such as coming into a new program which requires me to pay for lessons, pay for the concerts held at the school or even pay for all the costumes made to wear for that peformance. In order for me to make this legitimate I had to hold out on things because i needed the money such as movies every friday, mall every Tuesdays, garrets popcorn every saturday,and other irrelavent activities that i spend money on for enetertainment. In order to have my art expand and become better at it I had to pay trainers who taught me and shared all their time with me over the summer. Today i think nothing of it. because theres nothing more than having a passion to do something and having to pay for poeple to come and help to make things possible. i actual thought it was just fine. it made more become more precisted on technique and not jus dance.

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