Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Passion for Music and Judgment Day for Appearance

Music is my life and life is my music. As you can see music is my passion, I eat, sleep, and dream music. Its not a time in my life when I don't incorporate music into my everyday life. With out music I wouldn't be able to do my normal everyday activities in a good mood. Things like cleaning up my room or house, doing my homework , and falling to sleep at night. When I don't listen to music while I'm doing one of those activities it feels like I am moving very slowly to complete the activity. But the music gives me energy and speed to get the job done. My family loves the fact that I want to be a Musical Entertainer because, they know I have the potential to be one. So, every member of my family supports me in every thing I do to. The motivational speeches, the help, and sometimes exaggerated comments about what I can do is all good things that keep me moving forward. The only thing that seperates me from every body is the music I write because, I write songs that may seem kind of weird to other people but, its cool to me. But, everything else is cool my family backs me 101% on my passion to be a great entertainer in the music business.


There has been many times in my life when I have been judged by the way I dress. The things people have thought about me goes on & on. Seeing me witha flashy shirt on, with half of myhest showing, with a necklace on, black pants, a golden hoop earring in my left ear and black shiny shoes. People may think Im homosexual, a nerd, a church boy, a pimp and a gigolo.I would hear the statements people would make when they thought they were so called whispering. It doesn't end there a lot of people would judge my personality saying things like Im conceited, I think Im all that and I look down on people. But none of its true, well the conceited part thats forty five percent true, but , I have been working on it. It doesn't bother me when people make judgments about me because, we all do it. I have made many judgments about people because of the way there dressed. For example, when I see a dude walking down the street pants sagging, a cap on either turned to the left or right my first judgment is they're a thug or trouble maker. Even, though half of the time my judgments aretruebut, I can't do that. People wear what they want to wear it doesnt matter where you go because, there is always going to be someone judging you based on your appearance.

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