Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tajma Hall

My broadcast journalism class
When I tell people this now, it always surprises them but I was never considered "popular" in school. Pre school, elementary school, middle school, or high school. I was never popular. I had a few friends here and there but I was never a part of a clique. I only have two best friends. The three of us have been best friends since the seventh grade. We all went to separate high schools but still remained close, so when I got to high school, I wasn't looking to make friends. I did not want to be a part of the typical high school drama so I just kept my distance. I didn't go to school dances or football games. I even decided not to go to my prom. Being social was not on my list of important things to do. I had so much going on at home with my mom being sick that I just didn't care about making new friends in high school. I was focused on being a journalist all through high school My broadcast journalism class became my family and in that class everyone was "popular". Despite all of this, I wouldn't consider myself an outcast because everyone still knew who I was and I had no drama with anyone but I kept my distance and just would smile and wave back at people in the halls. No matter what, I feel like you can never feel like an outcast as long as you are true to yourself.  I'm lucky to always have my two best friends.
I always knew I wanted to be famous some day and that hasn't changed. A few things have on the other hand. I used to love to sing. I would write songs in my spare time. I was always in the choir. I was in the youth choir at my church, and I was in the regular chorus as well as the advanced chorus in middle school and high school. I used to dance too. I was a ballet dancer from age 3 until I was eleven. I also took acting classes for many years and I was in several plays. I wanted to be an entertainer. I wanted to be the next Britney Spears or Spice Girl. This is no longer what I strive to achieve. I lost the desire to want these things the first time I ever gave a speech in public, which I have already blogged about. I want to be a motivational speaker and a broadcast journalist, eventually hosting my own talk show. This is what I am passionate about and have been for about six years now. I probably won't change my mind but a part of being successful is always being open to new things. I also want to be a filmmaker as well, which is something I never showed interest in years ago. I want to be in front of the television cameras and behind the movie cameras. That is my plan and I'm working on it. Wish me luck! I posted this video yeaterday but i'm going to post it again with this blog because it fits it perfectly. If you haven't seen it, This was a new package I did about teachers in my high school, who never planned on being educators and somehow ended up doing it. It opens your eyes to the possibility of changing career plans later in life and being happy with those changes. At the end of the day, as long as you are doing what you love, you picked the right career.

Me singing
me giving a speech

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