Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kelcher Edwards: What Makes You So Important?

As a child I had an excellent childhood. I was given toys, candy, shoes and everything else that I had ever asked for. As I grew older the more and more my rules started to get stricter and I begun to see the real side of my parents. When I was 17 I remeber my dad would always change the t.v. anytime he gets off work. Now mind you that he gets off of work at 3:00 and I get out of school at 3:30. There is no possible way I am going to beat him home. Everytime I stepped in the house friom school, he would be sitting there watching UFC cage fighting. Well one day after school I really wanted to see a world premier of a movie I had been waiting to come out. My dad went downstairs to sleep and so I snuck the remote controller and put it on TBS. My dad came sprinting up stairs when he heard the channle change and he started yelling at me. I ignored him and kept watching my show. He snacthed the remote out of my hand and yelled at me to go to my room. i simply got up and walked right out the door. I can not stand ignorance.


If another person asked how I felt about another person complaining about little things like what we have I would simply say, "Imagine your life bigger than what YOU limit it to".

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