Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tajma Hall

I love Chicago. It is a beautiful city, filled with things to explore. My favorite location in Chicago is Michigan Ave. There is the historic district. Millennium Park, the Art Institute, and the Cultural Center are a few. And my favorite is north Michigan Ave. and the Magnificent Mile. It is a major shopping attraction. There are many stores to shop at and always a crowd of people. Without Michigan Ave., Chicago would not be what it is today. It is gorgeous at night when everything is lit up.

Another historic location, I would love to visit is the Taj Mahal in India. Not only because my name is Tajma Hall, but because I have heard how beautiful it is and I want to see it for myself and get really cool pictures in front of it like Joe.

I wouldn't say my life has changed since Bridge but I will say that I know I will be better prepared when the fall semester starts. Bridge has forced me to start using my brain again and I have become a better writer and I am now more excited than ever to begin school. When I first found out I had to be in the Bridge program, I was mad as hell, not going to lie about that. But, I had to suck it up and do my best because school is important and I knew that if I made the decision to stay in Illinois for college, I would want to go to Columbia. I had a rough four years in high school but I stayed strong, worked hard and got through it. Graduating was the best feeling I have ever had. It was so sweet to walk across the stage and receive my diploma. I worked hard to get this far and I plan to do the same and better in college. So, to answer this question, yes. I know I am ready for a new life at Columbia and I am excited for new things to come. I know it will not be easy, but nothing in my life has ever been easy. I know I am strong, focused, and driven enough to handle anything Columbia throws at me. I strive to be successful and I will be. Hopefully, while doing this I can inspire others to do the same.  

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