Monday, August 8, 2011

Brandice Gilson

Failure wasn't a word commonly used in my house growing up. Whenever someone didn't succeed in my house, it was never portrayed as a failure. I could look back though and remember some times when I didn't get what I exactly wanted, but that didn't mean i failed. It just meant that it wasn't in the cards for me, everything happens for a reason. The only time someone can truly fail, is if they set themselves up to fail. If they don't do the neccesary things to succeed. Don't even make the smallest attempt to try. If someone works their hardest to reach their goals and shows that they truly want it. It shouldn't matter what the outcome is. Yes, everyone wishes they succeed at whatever it is. But in the end it all comes down to, as long as you tried your best it shouldn't matter what the outcome is. Just knowing you did try your best should be enough reward of itself. And of course the cherry on top would be to succeed. But in a worst case senario, that you wouldn't succeed. It doesn't make you a failure.

A time in my life where I could have felt like a failure but didn't was when I gave my all to come back to my high school dance team as an Alumni. You would think since I was on the previous year that I would automaticly nail the tryouts and be on the team in no problem, but that wasn't the case. I worked my ass off, I became a better dancer in the short few months from where the previous seasson ended to the day of tryouts. I knew the coach and I didn't ever see eye to eye, but I didn't think that she could not put me on the team just for that. Yes, to be honest it made me nervous so I started practicing every day, four times a day. In the end, the coach didn't think I was good enough to be a part of the team. But not because of my dancing ability, but because she just didn't like me as a person. I could have looked at this as a failure, but I knew better. I knew that it wasn't because I failed. It just wasn't in the cards for me at the time.


My first day at bridge, wasn't as nerve wrecking as I thought it would be. It was actually fun. Since I stay on campus at the University Center, I got to meet a lot of cool people before hand, since we had to move in on the Saturday before our first class. For the first few hours, I felt a little out of place when I moved in. But soon after our first floor meeting, I was one of the loudest people. I'm not the shy one at all. As for the classes I wish I could say the same thing. My math class is a breeze, I'm a complete nerd with numbers. But when it comes to writing, I feel I always fall short. I have a tendencey to get on a topic in a paper and then change to a different one and then change back. I started a more organized way to write my papers though, so now they aren't as all over the place.

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