Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tajma Hall - GOODBYE!!!

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Hey guys, I guess this is goodbye. 4 weeks goes by fast. We've learned a lot and I think we are all ready for college. It will be great. I want to wish everyone the best of luck in your future goals and I am sure everyone will do fine. I remember when I found out I had to do Bridge it was like a slap in the face. All my struggles with my grades through high school came from family drama that I had no control over. I pushed through, worked hard and did everything I needed to do to graduate. Then found out I had to do this program. I was upset and I felt like it was punishment. Especially when I found out some of my friends did not have to do Bridge to come to Columbia and they had worse grade than I did in high school. But overall, it helped. If anything it helped my writing for the fall. I'm happy it is over and I can now truly move on to bigger and better things. Thanks Joe and Kelly for helping me improve my writing. Hope to take one of your classes one day. The "fun" has just begun. September 6th is the first real day of "fun" . Good luck.

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