Monday, August 8, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Blog Response 5

I'm not a stranger to the word failure but neither am I too familiar. Rejection is the meaning of failure in my life although it rarely happens, there was an incident when I was rejected while trying to talk to this girl. I was in World Civilizations class and there was this girl I had been wanting to talk to named Jasmine Stoude. Jasmine had just got out of a relationship and I took this as my time to step up to the plate and ask her out. After that class ended I caught up with her in the hall and walked with her as I was trying to ask her on a date for the weekend. Little did I know her boyfriend had texted her earlier that morning and apologized for his mistakes. So she looked at me and said "You might have had a chance if you would have came a day earlier but now you're out of luck." Instead of being mad about it I just continued to flirt with her and a week later her boyfriend cheated on her. To her this was devastating, to me this was perfect and I made a move but took a more gentle route. I offered to spend time with her to help take the pain away. About a month or so later Jasmine was mine and we were both glad that I didn't give up on her after she rejected me.


I look back at the first week of the bridge program and find it weird, because I've made so many friends so fast and I've learned my way around quickly. If you know the high school Jerel Gilard you probably would say I don't really like meeting new people because you can't tell how a person really is. I had about 20-30 friends that a constantly talked to and hung out with and I didn't need any more, I was set. If you put me alone in a room full of new faces, I would probably be the quietest one, because I was more of the observing type, trying to figure people out by the way they carried themselves. Thinking about college and being alone having to make new friends was a big thing to me. At the same time not though because I've been moving from house to house, district to district all my life and was forced to make new friends everywhere I went. I started to like the opportunity to make new friends in a new city, it's kind of like starting all over. The only difficulty was making a good first impression, they say a person only has seconds to make an impression that will last a lifetime. By the time Bridge was starting I had already made seven friends and was anxious to make more, as the days went by I could see a change in myself. I am a more friendlier person and open to people than I was in high school. Instead of miraculously making friends I was walking up to people and introducing myself, trying to network with students in other majors and building a team within my own. I am over the fear of meeting new people and since we are from all over the world we explore Chicago together so being in a new environment won't be so hard.


  1. That is crazy about the girl, she didn't have to treat you like that the first time. but aleast you got the second time. That teaches to never give up, or the saying "try , try, again".

    I see what you mean about making new friends and your aspect on meeting new people is very interesting but it can some time get bloody. You know what I mean. But I am not really like you on the meeting friends thing because I am that type of person that wants to meet neew people.

  2. awwwwww this is adorable...I never thought you were a MAC MAN
