Monday, August 8, 2011

My Failure

Failure thats a stong word at it sure doesnt sound like fun . but yes I do have a failure moment i am sure alot of us might have one . If there ever was a moment that I would call failure i would have to look back and say that it was during my Elementary school years. I would say that it was in 6th grade I was pretty much a different kid back then . at those times i barely moved to my new school and to make it worst i was a Kid who really didnt know anything of english . I came from a latino school and what do you mean by latino school well pretty much the teachers didnt talk in english alot. so I had to adjust to my new school i was moving to and also to my new teachers . it was hard for me because i was lost most of all the kids in that 6th grade class talked english it was like a different world to me. But my failure at that time was me not being able to pass My 6th grade class at that time . I know it might sound funny to some people or maybe they might think i am stupid or something. But i didnt have the knowledge back then i didnt have the enough learning. So after that failure I became a different person I becamer more possitve i found different was for me to learn the material . Also I learned that you can always make something negative be a possitive . But i am sure theres alot of kids who have failed a class and they might feel bad or sad . But i would say to these kids stand up and keep going because theres always bumps in the road so we need to keep going foward .

well my fist day of bridge it was pretty scary for me or should i say i was basically scared . I didnt know what to expect from the class or wat we needed to do to pass these class. Right now I am getting confident in the things that i need to do in these classes in order for me to be in the right track to be In columbia college. I feel that the enviroment is great I mean we are all getting to know one another in these classes. The people are great here in columbia it feels like they are all here to help . I also have a bad experience right now in columbia they stoled my sell phone but o well i guess i will take that as a bad experience . but besides that it has been a great place and I am learning so thats good . I am looking foward to passing bridge and starting college . I also look foward to fun memories in college hopefully theres good ones .

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