Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brandice Gilson

In the book Lost in Place the narrator and I are similar in some ways. Ever since I started watching fight movies and WWE I've been hooked on the idea that it would be amazing if I could fight the way they could. The narrator in the book was hooked on the idea of being a Zen monk because he saw his very first Kung Fu movie. We both set our eyes on the prize. We both put our mind to achieving the goal in sight. In the book he started to do all things Zen monks do. I did the same, I got a personal trainer and started Kick Boxing and Mix Martial Arts. I was determined that I was going to do whatever that had to be done, to attempt to be semi good at the two sports. As with the narrator we both had the one parent who wasn't too fond of the situation. In his case it was his dad, but in mine it was my mother. She said it wasn't a lady like thing to do. In the end she said it was one of the best things she ever let me do. It turned out to be a great way for me to releave all of my stress, anger, and depression. It gave me energy and strength to pursue my higher dreams in life, because it cleared my mind of all the bad. Hopefully the same will be for the narrator Mark Salzman.

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