Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jerel Gilard - Narration on "Take The Cannoli"

In the novel Take The Cannoli, the narrator is Sarah Vowell, so far I have learned quite a few things about her. In Sarah's household there are different political views and beliefs. She doesn't specify who is a Democrat and who is a Republican but she states, "but I will tell you that I have never subscribed to Guns & Ammo, that I did not plaster the family vehicle with Nation Rifle Association stickers, and that hunter's orange was never my color." (page 15) Sarah's father who remains unnamed at the moment is a gunsmith, but she isn't a fan of guns. When it comes to the Constitution they both agree on certain terms but also favor their own. Sarah was excited when Walter Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate in the 1984 Democratic National Convention. She decided to cut a picture of Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro out of a newspaper and taped it on the refrigerator door. Mysteriously the picture soon ended up in the kitchen trash can across the room.
Sarah lives with her father, mother, and twin sister Amy. They originally lived in Oklahoma and when she was eleven years old they moved to Bozeman, Montana. Her sister Amy takes after their father's enthusiasm for firearms and the mythological cowboy quick draw. Amy was a John Wayne fanatic in the book it say, "she named her teddy bear Duke, hung a colossal John Wayne portrait next to her bed, and took to wearing one of those John Wayne shirts that button on the side." (page 18) Sarah's father liked to isolate himself in their garage so he could work on making his rifles. Meanwhile she would isolate herself in her room and red Allen Ginsberg poems.

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