Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Alephonsion Deng

While Reading They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, I learned alot about the narrator. Aleph talks alot about his family and how his personality is around his brothers. So far I found out that Aleph is a very funny character. At dinner time he fights with his sister over milk and goat meat. Aleph blows sand on others food to see if they would eat it. Even though he might be a jokester and fun to be around, he can also be very annoying. Aleph complains ALOT. He complains over littles things, for example if his mom doesnt get his food to him on time then he has a temper tantrum, also he whines if one of his siblings get more of something then what he was given. On the other hand Aleph is a very hard worker as well. Aleph father owns 90 cattle. Now in Dinka, (where Aleph is from), to be a rich man you have to own at least a 150 head of cattle. So Aleph father wasnt a rich man but he was in a good place to make it. Aleph is the youngest son out of his four children. His older brothers Benson and Allok are his blood brothers, the reason why I point out this is because Aleph's dad has five wives. But Aleph's mother is the most respected because she wears the five-line sarification mark on her forhead as a sign of bravery. The picture on the left hand side shows the cuts on her body she had to go threw. Aleph has a strong head on his shoulders, but I do feel that he needs to be a little more independent. In some places I see myself in Aleph, for example I fight with my little brother alot and when I read the part about him and sister fighting over milk and goat i thought it was pretty funny and something I would do, besides the fact that I hate goat and milk. But I do not see myself in him at all when he complains to much, I complain but not as much as he does and not over little things like food. I would find my own way to eat, not wait for my mom to serve it to me.

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