Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Needle in a hay stack

Mark Salzman, the writer of the book Im reading, "LOST IN PLACE" . Just from reading six chapters of this book I have learned a lot about this creative man. Mark Salzman, is a man who sticks out in the world. A man who doesn't care what thinks of him. In the book "LOST IN PLACE" , Mark told a stories about his struggles with trying to impress his Father and peers by learning the art of Kung Fu. Something that everyone around him thought was weird or abnormal. But, Mark continues his pursue of Kung Fu no matter what people thought. That is one of the main reasons I commend him, because I am the same way. Mark and I, are similiar in many ways, with the way we dress things we do and our careless attitude of what people may think of us. While, reading the book I felt as if Mark was writing the book based on me, because, everything he talks about is connected in my life some way. In the story Mark talks about being the smallest kid in class. He writes about how since he was the smallest kid in the class he wanted to do something big that would make him better than kids much bigger than him. That really was an important part of the book to me because, all my years in school I was one of the smallest people in the class always looked over as if I wasn't there. So, I found something I was talented in which was Music and Fashion. But, in Mark's situation his talent to be known for was Kung Fu. I would love to meet Mark Salzan one day in life when I reach my peak of fame.

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