Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Alex Gillespie

The character of my Narrator is very interestig. Sarah's Vowell had a very interesting childhood growing up. Sarah's childhhood was kind of confusing in a way. At just a young age she already learned about Armagaden and the end of the world. Sarah grew up in her childhood worrying about herself not being able to become an adult and die as a child. But, Armagaden was the least of Sarah's problems. Her problems were getting along with her father and trying to make friends. See Sarah was so diffrent from her father so they never agreed on anything. For example one of them were a Republican and one was a Democrate. They could never have a conversation without having an arguement. Not only did she have problems with her father she had trouble making friends. Sarah had to join many clubs just so she could have friends because no one really liked her. For example, the only friends she had were in a recorder group with her and they were older than her parents. So Sarah had to find any excuse to get friends such as, talking about the end of the world. But as Sarah got older, she realized that the problem that she had were not really problems at all. As she grew up she realized the world was not going to end soon. She was able to make friends with out having to use excuses. And she also realized that she was not to diffrent from her dad. She was even more like him than she thought. So know as she look back to her childhood she understands whatt people are doing when they get togeher for meetings like Y2K. My personal dissimilarities to the narrator of this book is many things. Such as, I never had trouble making friends when I was a child. Making friends was just not a problem for me. Another dissimilarity is I liked doing things with my Father. Me and my father had the same intrest such as bowling. One similarity that we had though was being exposed to God and the Holy word at a young age.

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