Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kurt Eger

Lost In Place
My story is about a kid who wants to be a kung fu monk. Since he is still a little kid he has this big imagination about how he will follow the life style of a monk by living as a poor individule and going town to town kicking people butts. He ask his parents if he could start the life style right away but they said no, not untill he finish high school first. Whatever free time he had he converted his basement of his idea of what a kung fu temple looks like. Then he needed to get a karate uniform but since they were expensive he decide to dye his pajams black but they came out purple an use a red strap as his belt. The other thing he had to do was to shave his head but his parents both said no so he found an ad on the back of a comic book that sold wigs. That was also a failure because it wasn't the same skin tone as his and it was like a light gray color. No matter what he still kept on practicing his his kung fu skills and even had his younger siblings to help him out. They were ok with the idea untill they were teased by their friends because their older brother came to school without any shoes on. After a while the younger brother had enough of all the teasing and told his mom what his older brother was doing. The older brother agreed to wear shoes but he came up with the idea of cutting the soles off of his shoes. The ways that this character and I have in common are that we both have ambitions to become something in this world but in order to do that we had to find ways around the road blocks or anything else that was either stopping us or slowing us down. No matter what we always found a way and continue on with our goal.

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