Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Brandice Gilson

My house hold thrievs on conflict. There is always some kind of disagreement going on. It isn't always a bad thing though. It always ranges from what to eat, who gets to use what car or even who did something. My mother is the type of lady to always accuse right away before asking you if you did the thing she is mad about. She always just assumes. This is the main thing that causes conflict in our house. It's always the thing that gets everyone going. We may yell and scream and some times we just brush it off like it is no big deal. If anything, it is frustrating. Always beign accused for something you did not do. Never really getting to clear your name if you don't aknowledge it. Then after my sister or I told her we had no clue what she was talking about, she would get over it for that day, but then bring it up in not so obvious ways, just to push your buttons and see if you were really telling the truth or lying. But these kind of things just blow over. The conflict never last too long, it's never unberable or anything. Frustrating at times but never worse than a silly little argument that doesn't last longer than a day or two.


I deal with this situation a lot. I know several people who always throw up the card that they don't have certain things and that since I do it means my family is rich or something. It is very frustrating. They almost try to get you to feel bad for them in a way. They winne and complain about the little things, never really having a true meaning for why they are complaining. At some point I just want to scream because just because people have nice things does not in any way mean they are rich. People work hard to earn the money to buy some of the luxery's they have. it just shows how childish some people can be. They could have the finner things in life too. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Yes, on some occasion this is the case, but just because your mother or father have good jobs that help support the family but also have money to buy the not so necessary things does not mean the kids don't have to work for them also. In my case, my parents get me things I don't need, or things that could be in the more pricier range, but that is no reason to complain about things like that. All it takes in life if you really want something, is hard work and determination.
I also have heard people complain about the benifits that dependents and spouses of soldiers get. Even what soldiers get. Any member of the military get certain benifits for serving their country and yet people have the nerve to complain about a discount or how the U.S. Military pays for housing for military service members and their families. It is just down right rude. But this is all just my opinion, which may be a little of a conflict of interest because my father does serve in the U.S. Military, so I do get the benifits of discounts at most places, just by showing them my military Identification Card. But the families of these soldiers do go through a lot also.

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