Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tajma Hall


      I am reading Take the Cannoli by Sarah Vowell. I like that she makes you feel as if you know her. She writes the story as if she is writing a letter to the reader. The story is very personal. She not only tells her story in her writing but she invites the reader into her mind. As a narrator, she is very open and honest about her experiences. She is also honest about her ideals and beliefs. Her father is a gunsman and she makes it clear that she is not an advocate for guns but she writes it in a way that makes you assume this without saying anything negative about her father.

       She explains how her house on Election Day clearly displays posters representing both political parties. "I'm not saying who was the Democrat or who the Republican - my father or I - but I will tell you that I have never subscribed to Guns & Ammo, that I did not plaster the family vehicle with National Rifle Association stickers,a nd that hunter's orange was never my color" (Page 1). This particular quote stuck out to me. Her humorous use of sarcasm was perfect her. It made me feel like I was a friend she was sharing her feelings with. I can relate to her personality and a part of her family background. She is humorous like me but she also shares different beliefs than her family as far as politics and that is something that I have found to be uncommon.

       When you grow up in a home of Republicans, it is most likely that you will grow up to have those same beliefs. This is not only true for politics but any kind of beliefs. I am the opposite, similar to the narrator. I never think or feel a certain way because my family does. I always research and develop my own opinion and proudly let it be known that I have different views that are my own. The narrator does this as well. She clearly takes pride in the fact that she has her own beliefs. That is what I feel a true proud american is. I am excited to read more and find out if we have other qualitites in common.

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