Monday, August 1, 2011

Tajma Hall

When I was in the 4th grade I remember my assistant principal telling me that I thought I was special and I shouldn't carry myself in that manner because in reality I was not special. She told me I was like everyone else. That is not the sort of thing you tell a child so naturally it had an affect on me. I went home crying and told my mom I was not special. She quickly reminded me that was not true and I will never forget it. In life we meet many different kind of people and because everyone is different in their own way, they are special. It is important for children to know they are special so that as they grow older they develop self confidence and realize their worth. What makes me special? That can be a hard question to answer at times. I am special because I have been through a lot at a young age. My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was very young and still lives with the disease today, so I was forced to grow up early. I gained independence at a young age because I did not have a choice. Because of this, I see the world differently than most others do at my age. I value life and I feel you should live it to the fullest with no regrets. I am an advocate for the importance of confidence, especially in young woman. I began competing in pageants when I was 12 years old and despite the controversy the pageant world often receives from society, it has been a great part of my life. I am now a well spoken young woman who loves public speaking and aspires to become a broadcast journalist. I gained confidence being on stage and that is something everyone can gain within their different activities. I believe everyone should always know there are great things in store for them and to believe in yourself. I am known for always having a positive attitude no matter what. I like to find positive quotes online and post them to my facebook. I will end this post with one of my favorite quotes. "Don't just follow your them"

1 comment:

  1. I understand, and love your outlooks on life we need more woman like you in the world if you ask me.
